analisis kredit bahasa Inggris
- Credit analysis is the method by which one calculates the creditworthiness of a business or organization.
Analisis kredit adalah cara untuk menghitung kelayakan kredit suatu usaha atau organisasi. - Credit analysis also includes an examination of collateral and other sources of repayment as well as credit history and management ability.
Analisis kredit juga mencakup pemeriksaan terhadap jaminan dan sumber pembayaran lainnya serta riwayat kredit dan kemampuan manajemen. - In 1995 he completed an internship at Deutsche Bundesbank in credit analysis, financial restructuring, banking supervision, and financial market supervision.
Pada tahun 1995 ia menyelesaikan magang di Deutsche Bundesbank sebagai Analisis Kredit, Restrukturisasi Keuangan, Pengawasan Perbankan serta Pengawasan Pasar Modal. - Interest rates will depend on the specific profile of each loan case-by-case; they are set based on the credit assessment process conducted by Investree.
Tingkat bunga akan bergantung pada profil setiap pinjaman dan ditetapkan berdasarkan proses analisis kredit oleh Investree. - The objective of credit analysis is to look at both the borrower and the lending facility being proposed and to assign a risk rating.
Tujuan analisis kredit adalah untuk meneliti calon peminjam dan fasilitas pinjaman yang diajukan dan untuk menetapkan kadar risiko. - The size of the fees will depend on the specific profile of each loan case-by-case; they are set based on the credit assessment process conducted by Investree.
Tingkat biaya akan bergantung pada profil setiap pembiayaan; ditetapkan berdasarkan proses analisis kredit oleh Investree. - Interest rates charged will depend on the specific loan profile and defined on case-by-case basis; they are set based on the credit assessment process conducted by Investree.
Tingkat bunga akan bergantung pada profil setiap pinjaman; ditetapkan berdasarkan proses analisis kredit oleh Investree. - Credit analysis involves a wide variety of financial analysis techniques, including ratio and trend analysis as well as the creation of projections and a detailed analysis of cash flows.
Analisis kredit melibatkan beragam teknik analisis keuangan, termasuk rasio dan analisis tren serta pembentukan proyeksi dan analisis arus kas terperinci. - Credit spreads—the difference in interest rates between theoretically "risk-free" investments such as U.S. treasuries or LIBOR and investments that carry some risk of default—reflect credit analysis by financial market participants.
Sebaran kredit--perbedaan dalam suku bunga antara investasi "tanpa-risiko" secara teoretis seperti treasury di Amerika Serikat atau LIBOR di Inggris dan investasi yang mengandung beberapa risiko gagal bayar--mencerminkan analisis kredit oleh pelaku pasar keuangan.